Semantic requirements for databases in casual environments
J.H. ter Bekke

Database access in a casual environment has properties of an unstable environment; it is open, unrestricted, dynamic, interactive and unpredictable. Present database modeling approaches do not fulfil all requirements for access in this environment because they demand hindering restrictions and substantial professional expertise in practice. In existing organizations these preconditions can be met. However, in casual environments many charming advantages of databases are then lost. This paper presents some simple semantic requirements and solutions for databases in casual environments. They lead to self-supporting database systems with reliable and efficient database processing. The kernel of the solutions lies in the application of extremely simple data semantics. The resulting solutions are also useful in present professional database environments.
Keywords: Internet databases, semantic data modeling, active database systems, extensible databases, metadata, schema evolution, end-user computing.

Publication Data:
Proceedings SAICSIT '99, Johannesburg (1999).

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