Modeling and Querying Recursive Data Structures II: A Semantic Approach
J.H. ter Bekke and J.A. Bakker

As shown in the preceding paper, the semantic modeling approach enables us to specify relationships in an inherent way. Consequently, designers can specify recursive structures in a way complying with the recursive mathematical definition of a series of variables. For end users this has the advantage that they can ignore procedural aspects in query specifications for recursion; the required processing details are derived by intelligent software able to interpret the underlying inherently structured metadata, which results in a reliable (finite) and efficient processing. We demonstrate this by examples of recursive and non-recursive queries using a recursive data model for family trees, which is implemented in a working database management system.
Keywords:i query language, recursion, recursive query processing, semantic data modeling, metadata, end user computing, reachability, transitive closure, expressive power.

Publication Data
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff - Canada, July 14-16 2003, pp. 283-289.
Editor: H. Leung
Publisher: IASTED/ACTA Press, Anaheim - Calgary - Zurich
Year: 2003
ISBN: 0-88986-367-0
ISSN: 1482-7913

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